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Lawndale Elementary School District

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Wellness Screening

It is important for us all to monitor our health each day. If you don't feel well or have symptoms of respiratory illness, stay home, let the school know, and contact your healthcare provider for guidance. 

Question to ask each day:

  1. Regardless of your vaccination status, have you experienced any of the symptoms in the list below in the past 48 hours? If you are COVID-19 positive, follow the isolation instructions

Click here to view LESD Quarantine & Isolation Instructions

Symptoms of illness may include:

  • New Cough
  • Fever (at or above 100.4 degrees)
  • Diarrhea or Vomiting

Other Symptoms of Concern

Other COVID-19 symptoms may include shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and chills. For a full list of symptoms, please visit the CDC's COVID-19 symptom webpage

If you are planning to travel or have recently traveled
Please review the latest travel advisory from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health's travel webpage and the Centers' for Disease Control and Prevention's travel webpage. The Lawndale Elementary School District follows the guidance issued by LACDPH and CDC as it relates to travel. If you are unsure, please be sure to contact your school office to clarify any questions that you may have before you travel.