Trustee Areas
Bonnie J. Coronado
Term Expiration: 2026
Trustee Area 1
Shirley Rudolph
Term Expiration: 2026
Trustee Area 2
Cathy Burris
Term Expiration: 2028
Trustee Area 3
Ann M. Phillips
Term Expiration: 2026
Trustee Area 4
Adim Morales
Term Expiration: 2028
Trustee Area 5
Current Trustee Areas
Every ten years, the United States Census Bureau collects information about how many people are living in the United States. This data impacts electoral areas, including the trustee areas for Board of Trustee elections. The purpose of adjusting maps is to ensure that voters’ rights under the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA) are protected. Although trustees are elected by registered voters who reside in a particular trustee area, all trustees represent all students and families in the entire Lawndale Elementary School District community.
Utilizing census data from 2020, the maps for the LESD Trustees Areas were developed by professional demographers from Davis Demographics. On January 20, 2022, Davis Demographics presented proposed updates to trustee area maps to the Board of Trustees. Following the Board’s selection of a final trustee area map, the Lawndale Elementary School District held a public hearing on February 3, 2022 for final review and approval of the District’s final trustee area map.
Board of Trustee Elections
Each Trustee has a term of four years. Elections by trustee area for the Lawndale Elementary School District Board of Trustees will be held in November of 2024 and November of 2028.
Interested in running for school board?
More information for candidates interested in running for school board can visit the Los Angeles County Registrar/Recorder's website by clicking here.