Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)
The Lawndale Elementary School District recognizes the diverse needs of students at our schools. Our Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program strives to meet the needs of gifted and talented students. Classroom instruction begins with grade level core curriculum. Teachers differentiate to support student need and ability. GATE-identified students will also have opportunities to participate in enrichment activities throughout the year. The LESD GATE program currently serves students in grades 4 - 8.
GATE Identification Process
3rd Grade GATE Testing
District-wide testing of all 3rd graders for the LESD GATE program will take place in the spring. Parent information, including an option to opt-out of testing, will be sent home from individual elementary sites prior to testing. Letters regarding qualification and score reports will be sent home and received before the beginning of the following school year.
LESD utilizes the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test, Third Edition (NNAT3). The NNAT3 is a nonverbal measure of general ability that yields a norm-based score. It is a timed 30-minute multiple choice test that is administered online in a group setting. Students who score in the 95th percentile or above to qualify for the GATE program.
Our goal is to create a stress-free test environment and the NNAT3 is intended to be taken without any preparation. Rather than placing pressure on performance, families can best support their student by encouraging a good night's rest and lowering anxiety by communicating best effort.
4th-7th Grade Eligibility
The High Achievement category is an alternate pathway for GATE identification. The GATE Task Force developed a rubric to determine eligibility for this pathway. Educational Services will collect and review data to use alongside the rubric on a yearly basis. Parents will be informed should their student qualify.
Online Resources for Students
Chrome Music Lab allows students to explore rhythm, sound waves and more.
Canva - Students can create different types of digital media.
Math Is Fun is a website dedicated to the puzzling world of mathematics.
Youcubed tasks are a fun way for students to explore mathematical thinking.
Khan Academy is a free resource of over 2,800 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics.
Scholastic offers students the opportunity to read, play and connect.
Ology is a website from the American Museum of Natural History - learn about biology, archaeology, anthropology, zoology and more!
The Exploratorium website offers a collection of online experiences to feed your curiosity.
California Association for the Gifted (CAG)
National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)
SENG: Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted