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Lawndale Elementary School District

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Special Projects

Categorical Programs Overview

Our office implements state and federal categorical programs. Furthermore, we advise and assist principals, teachers, and parents that participate in these programs.  

These programs include: 

  • Title I School Improvement
  • Title II- Teacher Quality and Technology
  • Title III- Limited English Proficient

These programs are applied for through the Consolidated Application for categorical funding, which is submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE). 

Our office also provides :

  • Leadership
  • Planning
  • Budget control
  • School and district plan evaluations
  • Research coordination
  • Fiscal reports
  • Implementation and evaluation of specially funded programs/projects. 
English Language Learner Programs Overview

The English Learner Program supports and promotes academic and linguistic excellence for English learners in the Lawndale Elementary School District. Visit our English Learner & Newcomer Resources page for more information.

Policy & Procedures

Parents should use the District Uniform Complaint Procedure to identify and resolve any deficiencies regarding instructional materials, facility cleanliness, and safety, emergency or urgent facility conditions that pose a health or safety threat to students or staff, and teacher vacancies or misassignments.

Every school must provide sufficient textbooks and instructional materials.  Every student, including English learners, must have textbooks and instructional materials, or both, to use at home or after school.  School facilities must be clean, safe, and maintained in good repair.  There should be no teacher vacancies or misassignments.  If a school is found to have deficiencies in these areas, and the school does not take corrective action, then a complaint form may be obtained from the School District Office.  Parents, students, teachers or any member of the public may submit a complaint regarding these issues.  However, it is highly encouraged that individuals express their concerns to the school principal before completing the complaint forms to allow the school to respond to these concerns. [E.C. 35186]

Julie Kane

Director of Special Projects

(310) 973-1300
ext. 50040


Educational Services Logistics Technician, ext. 50039