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Lawndale Elementary School District

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Fringe Benefits

CVT Information

The Lawndale Elementary School District provides fringe benefits, including medical, dental, vision, and life insurance to eligible employees. 

Employees will have the opportunity to make changes to their coverage during open enrollment. Open enrollment begins late October through mid-November of each year. Changes are effective January 1st. 

Each plan also has additional resources available to subscribers.

Waiver Information

Do you currently have a waiver?

If you currently have a waiver, you will be classified as a grandfathered opt-out with CVT and will receive direct communication from CVT requesting proof of your coverage. If you fall under this category, you DO NOT need to enroll in MyCVT or complete the laserfiche form.

Will you be requesting a NEW waiver as of 1/1/2025?

  • If you are establishing a new waiver (opt-out) for medical OR medical, dental, and vision:


LESD offers two HMOs and one PPO.

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO):

  • Kaiser Permanente (800-464-4000)
  • Blue Shield (855-256-9404)

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO):

  • Anthem Blue Cross - SISC (800-825-5541)
  • SISC has partnered with Health Design Plus (HDP) to offer their Oncology Center of Excellence Program to help covered members navigate their cancer diagnosis and treatment journey.  Please see below under Anthem Blue Cross for more details.


The district offers two dental plans, an HMO and a PPO. 

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO):

  • DeltaCare | (800-765-6003)

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO):

  • Delta Dental | (800-765-6003)


The district offers two PPO vision plans (Standard and  Premium) 

Vision Service Plan (800-877-7195)


The district participates in and contributes to CalPERS, CalSTRS, Metlife (Social Security Alternative), depending on your employment type. Typically, certificated employees are members of CalSTRS, full-time classified employees are CalPERS, and part-time classified employees are Metlife. 

  • CalSTRS (800-228-5453)
    • District contributes 16.28% (2018-19), 18.15% (2019-20), and 19.10% (2020-21). Employee contribute 10.205% (PEPRA) or 10.25% (Classic)
  • CalPERS (888-225-7377)
    • District contributes 18.062%. Employee contributes 7.00%.
  • National Benefit Services (800-274-0503) - FICA Alternative Plan
    • District contributes 3.75%. Employee contributes 3.75%. 
  • Schools First FCU - 403b/ Roth 403b & 457
    • A Message from Schools First regarding online retirement accounts and setup, please click here.