5/21/2022 - New Superintendent to Lead the Lawndale Elementary School District Into the Future
The Lawndale Elementary School District (LESD) Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the selection of distinguished educator Ms. Virginia Castro as the new Superintendent following unanimous approval of her appointment and employment agreement at the board meeting on June 21st. Ms. Castro assumes office following the retirement of the well-respected Superintendent, Dr. Betsy Hamilton. Click below to read the full press release.
2022_06_21 New Superintendent Press Release.pdf (PDF)
5/17/2022 - Students Create Colorful 1980's Chalk Art at Jane Addams Middle School's 16th Annual Chalk Walk Competition
Students from Jane Addams Middle School in Lawndale will create colorful chalk paintings at school for the first time since the pandemic started. The 16th annual CHALK WALK school spirit competition theme is the 1980’s, giving students the opportunity to learn about the era while showcasing their artistic talents. “Each year, we look forward to the Chalk Walk and are excited to have it return to Jane Addams,” said Dr. Betsy Hamilton, Superintendent of the Lawndale Elementary School District. Click below to read the full press release.
2022_05_20 Chalk Walk Press Release.pdf (PDF)
4/18/2022 - Lawndale Elementary School District’s Search for the Next Superintendent is Underway
The Lawndale Elementary School District began searching for a new Superintendent soon after the announcement that Superintendent Dr. Betsy Hamilton would retire in July 2022. The District has secured the support of advisors Education Support Services (ESS), a consulting firm that assists school districts with superintendent searches, governance training, human resources, and more. Click below to read the full press release.
If you are a district stakeholder and would like to provide input, click here.
2022_04_18 LESD Search Press Release.pdf (PDF)
Univision spotlight on Spanish Dual Immersion - watch the segment here!
11/19/2021 - Spanish Dual Language Immersion Expansion
At the November 18, 2021, meeting of the Board of Trustees, the Lawndale Elementary School District (LESD) announced plans to expand the District’s coveted Dual Language Immersion program to Billy Mitchell Elementary School beginning with Kindergarteners enrolling for the 2022-23 school year. The program also operates at Mark Twain Elementary School and Will Rogers Middle School. Click below to read the full press release.
2021_11_19 DI Press Release.pdf (PDF)