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Lawndale Elementary School District

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Our district is using ParentSquare to communicate with parents! Join ParentSquare to communicate with your teacher and for school and district updates! 

Register Your Account

Register for your account at using the phone number or email address that you used when enrolling your child in school. When registering,you will be prompted to create a password, confirm your phone number and email, and verify your children's information.

For instructions on how to complete these steps, please click on these links (English, Spanish).

Who has access?

Only parents and legal guardians will have access to ParentSquare. Parents and legal guardians must be listed as approved contacts in our system. Contacts are added through the new student enrollment and returning student update form. If there are any issues, please contact your school office to ensure you are listed as a contact and your contact information is correct.

Training Videos


Need help? Contact Your Community Liaison

Billy Mitchell Elementary
(310) 973-1300 ext. 55206
FDR Elementary
(310) 973-1300 ext. 57206
Jane Addams Middle School
(310) 973-1300 ext. 51221
Lucille J. Smith Elementary
(310) 973-1300 ext. 58220
Mark Twain Elementary
(310) 973-1300 ext. 59207
State Preschool (Kit-Carson)
(310) 973-1300 ext. 57206
Will Rogers Middle School
(310) 973-1300 ext. 56209
William Anderson Elementary
(310) 973-1300  ext. 52220
William Green Elementary
(310) 973-1300 ext. 54211
District Office
(310) 973 -1300 ext. 50010

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)